Thursday, March 20, 2008

Got a Nickel for Ya!

Here ya go, kid.

Now at this point you're bobbing your head in anticipation and I'm supposed to provide you the lens through which you view this. What, are you supposed to revile this, deploring the modern state of popular music? Or are you supposed to marvel at how our intrepid DJ friend has put together a thoroughly listenable track from these base (note the double meaning, kids- it could pay off in English class!) components? Or is this a "Pitchfork-rates-Since-U-Been-Gone-
The-2nd-Best-Track-Of-The-Year" affairs, where we assert superiority over those other pretentious guys by demonstrating that pop music isn't bad, it's just above them?

Hey, fuck you, customers.

I'm a genre culture critic, not Franklin (Delanooooooooo) Roosevelt. Hold your own fucking hands, will you? Those of you who immediately figured out the right answer on your own can watch Lost (wait, are we allowed to watch that?!? Quick, gimme a sign!) and go to sleep happy and healthy. The rest of you are welcome to furrow your brows until you assure yourself that I, of course, am just as in the dark as you are.

It's convenient that way, innit?

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